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Essgi Infotech is Authorised Service Center for APC UPS !

Essgi Infotech is an Authorised Business Partner also Service Provider for APC UPS upto 20KVA (both Single /3 phase) and provides onsite servies to APC UPS under warranty and after warranty

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Essgi Infotech, the country’s one of the leading Computer and electronics retail store has strengthened its presence among India’s value-conscious electronics consumers with its range of world-class computer and electronics & appliances range continues to offer in-warranty and out of warranty services seemlessly at offerdable cost.
The ‘Essgi’ philosophy is to become a preferred vendor that is easy on the consumers’ minds ie. very attractive to the eye, easy to operate, and at the same time, quite easy on the purse as well. Customers also get complete peace of mind through “Essgi Infotech” – a single-point service center that covers the entire product range.
Whenever customer is having the issue, During warranty they can log the complaint by calling APC Support Cente, or registering Service Request in our website.  Upon registering the complaint we will assign the call to the engineer / service center near to your place and attend your call and close the call to your satisfaction.
Currently, APC has 30 days DOA replacment policy, in case of failure of the UPS within 30 days of your purchase APC will replace the unit with brand new unit without any issues.  

Extended Warranty / AMC 
It is also Ideal to have extended warranty for the product which is used frequently and the gadget which are useful in protecting other devices. APC has extended warranty and AMC policy for its UPS where customer can utilise services of both Annual Maintenance Contract and Extended Warranty Services.
Extended warranty services can be purchased when product is under warranty, just before standard warranty ends and cost effective when compared to AMC. This extended warranty policy is similar to the standard warranty process  except the warranty for battery. Under extended warranty, battery doesnot cover for for free replacment as it is considored as consumable in UPS industry.
Annual Maintenance Contract can be purchased from APC till the end of 6th year for almost all APC products. The main difference between extended warranty and AMC are only the cost which is little expensive but AMC can be taken any point of time as long as the UPS is ion working condition.  Again Battery is not the part of AMC and no repair / replacment is given under AMC  for battery. All other service policy as same as under warranty services which covers unlimited no of visits and spares to be used during repair.
Whe you purchase AMC, it is not possible to register the complaint for first 45 days to ensure that it is not taken AMC when there is issue and hence you cannot log the call and no replacment / repair will be carried out.
Please get in touch with us for purchasing the AMC / Extended Warranty Services.

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